With the lab website just launched, I’d like to devote the first post to thanking an organisation that has supported me in the past, and has now decided to support our new lab: the Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP). HFSP is a unique organisation, both in being truly international and in its uncompromising focus on risky, basic research in the life sciences.
Earlier this spring I received the happy news that we are one of ten labs worldwide to be awarded the 2017 HFSP Career Development Award. This award will make a tremendous difference to us when setting up our new lab here in Umeå, both in terms of the extra funding it will provide during the first three years and the recognition we get by being funded by HFSP.
Last month I attended the annual HFSP Awardees Meeting at the Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown in Lisbon. Listening to the presentations of other awardees was extremely inspiring – and quite frankly also humbling. At the conference desk next to the name tags, HFSP handed out pins with their logo. I will wear it with lots of pride. Thanks HFSP!